§9 Social Network Analysis 🕸️

Welcome to the world of Social Network Analysis (SNA) in Digital Humanities! In this chapter, we’ll explore how to analyze and visualize relationships between entities in textual data.

Learning Objectives
  • 🕸️ Understand core concepts of social network analysis
  • 🔍 Learn key network metrics and their interpretations
  • 💻 Implement network analysis with R
  • 📊 Create network visualizations

1 Warming Up: Six Degrees of Separation 👥

Have you ever had that surprising moment when you meet someone new and discover you have a mutual friend? Or perhaps you’ve been traveling abroad and bumped into someone who knows your cousin? These aren’t just coincidences - they’re demonstrations of how remarkably interconnected our social world really is!

The Six Degrees Theory

The concept of “six degrees of separation” suggests that any two people on Earth are connected through a chain of no more than six social connections. In other words, you are likely connected to anyone in the world - from a coffee farmer in Ethiopia to a tech entrepreneur in Silicon Valley - through just six or fewer intermediary relationships!

This fascinating idea was first proposed in 1929 when Hungarian author Frigyes Karinthy noted how technology and travel were making the world feel increasingly “smaller” and more interconnected.

Small World Experiment
  • Stanley Milgram’s groundbreaking experiments in the 1960s examined social network path lengths in the United States

  • The experiment involved sending packets between random “starter” participants in Nebraska/Kansas to a target in Boston

  • Key findings:

    • Average chain length was around 5.5-6 connections
    • Successful packets often quickly reached geographic proximity of target
    • Final connections typically came through the target’s close social circle
  • Modern research shows even shorter paths:

    • Facebook users are separated by only 3.5 degrees on average
    • Digital networks have made the world even “smaller”
  • Though the phrase “six degrees of separation” is commonly associated with the experiment, Milgram never used this term himself

link: Wikipedia: Six Degrees of Separation

Let’s put the “six degrees of separation” theory to the test! Below is an interactive game where we can explore the social connections between students in our Introduction to Digital Humanities course. Try to find the shortest path between any two students - can they be connected in six steps or fewer? This game will help us understand how social networks work in practice before we dive deeper into network analysis concepts.

Class Network Game

Six Degrees of Separation

Find connections between two random classmates! Each connection represents a shared experience or relationship. Can the two students be connected in 6 steps or fewer?

Note: Being in the "Intro to DH" class together doesn't count as a connection!

Connect: 林斯琦徐佳怡

Degrees of Separation: 0/6

2 What is Social Network Analysis? 🕸️

A social network is a structure made up of social actors (individuals, groups, or organizations) and the connections between them. These connections can represent various types of relationships such as:

  • Friendships and family ties
  • Professional relationships
  • Communication patterns
  • Shared interests or activities
  • Information or resource flows
  • Power dynamics and influence

Social Network Analysis (SNA) is a methodological framework and set of techniques used to study these networks systematically. It combines elements from:

  • Graph theory
  • Statistical analysis
  • Data visualization
  • Sociological theory
Key Concepts
  • Nodes/Vertices: The entities in your network (people, organizations, etc.)
  • Edges/Links: The connections between entities
  • Attributes: Properties of nodes (e.g., age, gender) or edges (e.g., relationship type, strength)
  • Network Structure: Overall patterns of connections
What SNA Helps Us Understand
  1. Relationship Patterns
    • How are different actors connected?
    • What are the dominant patterns of interaction?
    • Where are the gaps or clusters in the network?
  2. Power and Influence
    • Who are the key players?
    • How does information or resources flow?
    • Who controls access to different parts of the network?
  3. Community Structure
    • What subgroups exist?
    • How do different communities interact?
    • Where are the boundaries between groups?
  4. Network Evolution
    • How do networks change over time?
    • What factors affect network formation?
    • How do disruptions impact the network?

3 Core Concepts in Network Analysis 🎯

3.1 Types of Network

Understanding Different Network Types 🔄
  1. Undirected Networks ↔︎️
    • Connections work both ways
    • If A is connected to B, B is connected to A
    • Example: Facebook friendships
    • Represented by simple lines between nodes

  1. Directed Networks ➡️
    • Connections have a specific direction
    • A can connect to B without B connecting to A
    • Example: Twitter followers
    • Represented by arrows showing direction

  1. Weighted Networks 📊
    • Connections have different strengths
    • Example: Number of interactions between characters
    • Represented by different line thicknesses

Other network types include:

  • Bipartite Networks: Two node types with connections only between different types (e.g., authors-papers)
  • Multiplex Networks: Multiple relationship types between same nodes (e.g., friends/enemies)

3.2 Understanding Important Nodes

Let’s explore the four most important ways to measure importance in a network: centrality. Centrality measures help us identify the most important or influential nodes in a network. Think of it like finding the “key players” in a social group.

What Makes Someone “Important” in a Network? 🤔

Think about your own social circles and consider these questions:

  1. Who knows the most people? (The people person 💫)
  2. Who connects different friend groups together? (The bridge builder 🌉)
  3. Who can spread news the fastest? (The information hub 📢)
  4. Who hangs out with all the popular people? (The well-connected 🌟)

Take a moment to think about specific people in your life who fit these roles!

Four Ways to Be “Important”

  1. Degree Centrality: The “Popular” Nodes 👥
    • Counts direct connections
    • Like counting your friends
    • High score = lots of direct relationships
  2. Betweenness Centrality: The “Bridge” Nodes 🌉
    • Measures information flow control
    • Like being the only connection between groups
    • High score = important for connecting others
  3. Closeness Centrality: The “Efficient” Nodes 🎯
    • Measures how quickly a node can reach others
    • Like being in the center of the network
    • High score = can spread information quickly
  4. Eigenvector Centrality: The “Well-Connected” Nodes
    • Measures connection quality
    • Like having influential friends
    • High score = connected to important nodes

3.3 A Friendship Network

Let’s take a look at a mock friendship network to understand how centrality metrics work in their simplest form - through counting! Let’s first draw the friendship network.

# Load libraries

# 1. Create Nodes and Edges
# Define the nodes (friends)
nodes <- tibble(name = c("Mary", "Alex", "Sarah", "Tom", "Lisa", "Ben"))

# Define the edges (friendships)
edges <- tribble(
  ~from,    ~to,
  "Mary",   "Alex",
  "Mary",   "Sarah",
  "Alex",   "Sarah",
  "Mary",   "Tom",
  "Mary",   "Lisa",
  "Tom",    "Lisa",
  "Lisa",   "Ben",
  "Tom",    "Ben"

# 2. Create a Graph Object
graph <- tbl_graph(nodes = nodes, edges = edges, directed = FALSE)

# 3. Plot the Network with Equal Node Sizes
ggraph(graph, layout = "auto") +  # 'auto' chooses best layout algorithm for network size/type
  geom_edge_link(color = "grey50") +          # Draw edges
  geom_node_point(size = 10, color = "skyblue") +  # Draw nodes
  geom_node_text(aes(label = name), size = 5) +  # Add labels
  theme_graph() +
  coord_fixed() + # Keep aspect ratio fixed as equal to avoid stretching
  expand_limits(x = c(-1, 1), y = c(-1, 1)) + 
  ggtitle("Friendship Network") 

3.3.1 🤔 Understanding Centrality: Let’s Count!

Before we let computers do the heavy lifting, let’s practice counting these metrics ourselves! This will help us truly understand what these measurements mean. Below are some basic counting principles:

  • Degree Centrality: Simply count direct friends
  • Betweenness Centrality: Count how many times someone is on the shortest path between others
  • Closeness Centrality: Count minimum steps needed to reach everyone else
  • Eigenvector Centrality: Count connections, but give extra points for popular friends
1. The "Popular" Score (Degree Centrality)

Simply count direct friends

Mary has friends
Ben has friends
2. The "Bridge Builder" Score (Path Length)

Count the minimum steps needed to get from one person to another through friends

Shortest path from Ben to Sarah takes steps
3. The "Efficient" Score (Closeness Centrality)

Count the total number of steps needed to reach everyone else in the network

Total steps for Mary to reach everyone:
4. The "Well-Connected" Score (Eigenvector Centrality)

Scoring method: 1. Base score: Count 1 point for each direct friend 2. Bonus score: For each friend, add 0.5 points for each additional connection that friend has (excluding the connection back to the node being scored)

Tom's score: points
Alex's score: points

This hands-on counting exercise shows us how centrality metrics work at their core. Now that we understand the basic principles, let’s use R to calculate these metrics for the entire network.

# 4. Calculate Centrality Metrics
graph <- graph %>%
  activate(nodes) %>% # Activate the nodes component for subsequent calculation
    degree = centrality_degree(),
    closeness = centrality_closeness(),
    betweenness = centrality_betweenness(),
    eigenvector = centrality_eigen()

# View the centrality metrics
graph %>%
  as_tibble() %>%
  select(name, degree, closeness, betweenness, eigenvector) 
# A tibble: 6 × 5
  name  degree closeness betweenness eigenvector
  <chr>  <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>
1 Mary       4     0.167         6         1    
2 Alex       2     0.111         0         0.543
3 Sarah      2     0.111         0         0.543
4 Tom        3     0.143         1.5       0.878
5 Lisa       3     0.143         1.5       0.878
6 Ben        2     0.1           0         0.618
# 5. Function to Plot Network with Variable Node Sizes
plot_centrality <- function(graph, centrality_metric, title) {
  ggraph(graph, layout = "auto") +
    geom_edge_link(color = "grey50") +          # Draw edges
    geom_node_point(aes(size = !!sym(centrality_metric)), color = "skyblue") +  # Vary node sizes
    geom_node_text(aes(label = name), size = 5, family = "sans") +  # Add labels
    theme_graph() +
    coord_fixed() + # Keep aspect ratio fixed as equal to avoid stretching
    expand_limits(x = c(-1, 1), y = c(-1, 1)) + 
    scale_size_continuous(range = c(5, 30)) +  # Adjust node size range
    ggtitle(title) +
    theme(legend.position = "none",
          text = element_text(family = "sans"))

# 6. Plot Networks with Varying Node Sizes Based on Centrality Metrics

plot_centrality(graph, "degree", "Who's Most Popular?")

plot_centrality(graph, "betweenness", "Who Connects Different Friend Groups?")

plot_centrality(graph, "closeness", "Who Can Reach Everyone Quickly?")

plot_centrality(graph, "eigenvector", "Who's Connected to Popular People?")

4 Implementing Network Analysis with R 💻

4.1 Case 1: Character Networks in “Empresses in the Palace”

Let’s analyze the complex relationships in the Chinese drama “Empresses in the Palace”.

Download the Empresses in the Palace character network data

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data format that’s easy for both humans to read and machines to process. Think of it like a shopping list with organized sections:

  • It uses { } curly braces to define objects (like containers)
  • It uses [ ] square brackets for arrays (lists of items)
  • Data is stored as “key”: “value” pairs (like “name”: “甄嬛”)
  • Values can be:
    • Text (in “quotes”)
    • Numbers (no quotes needed)
    • true/false
    • Arrays [ ]
    • Other objects { }

For example:

"character": {
"name": "甄嬛",
"title": "皇贵妃",
"allies": ["沈眉庄", "端妃"],
"isEmpress": false

4.1.1 Step 1: Creating the Network

To analyze relationships between characters, we need to create a specialized graph structure that represents:

  • Characters (nodes/vertices)
  • Their relationships (edges/links) if the links have directions, then we need to specify:
    • source: where the arrow starts
    • target: where the arrow points to
  • Properties of both characters (node/vertice attributes) and relationships (edge/link attributes)
# Load required packages
       igraph, # for graph visualization and analysis
       ggraph, # for graph visualization
       showtext, # enable use of custom fonts for Chinese
       ggrepel, # prevent text label overlap
       cowplot, # theme layout for multiple plots
       jsonlite # for handling json data

# Read the JSON data
relation_data <- jsonlite::fromJSON("data/relation.json")

# Process node data
relation_data$nodes <- relation_data$nodes %>% 
  rename(Bio = "角色描述") %>%
  mutate(Alliance = ifelse(Alliance == "皇后阵容", "皇后阵营", Alliance))

# Process edge data
relation_data$edges$source <- as.character(relation_data$edges$source)
relation_data$edges$target <- as.character(relation_data$edges$target)
relation_data$nodes$ID <- as.character(relation_data$nodes$ID)
edges <- relation_data$edges %>% select(-Relationship)

# Create the graph
empresses_graph <- graph_from_data_frame(
  d = edges,
  vertices = relation_data$nodes$ID,
  directed = TRUE

# Set node attributes
V(empresses_graph)$Alliance <- relation_data$nodes$Alliance
V(empresses_graph)$Label <- relation_data$nodes$Label

# Set edge attributes
E(empresses_graph)$Relationship <- relation_data$edges$Relationship
V() and E() in igraph

igraph uses two main accessor functions:

  • V(graph): Access vertices/nodes
    • Example: V(graph)$name gets node names
    • Used for node attributes like size, color
  • E(graph): Access edges/connections
    • Example: E(graph)$weight gets connection weights
    • Used for edge attributes like type, direction
# View the graph object
IGRAPH fae65ed DN-- 44 133 -- 
+ attr: name (v/c), Alliance (v/c), Label (v/c), Relationship (e/c)
+ edges from fae65ed (vertex names):
 [1] 1 ->2  1 ->3  1 ->4  1 ->5  1 ->6  1 ->7  1 ->8  1 ->9  1 ->10 1 ->11
[11] 1 ->12 1 ->13 1 ->14 1 ->15 1 ->16 1 ->17 1 ->44 1 ->18 2 ->1  2 ->3 
[21] 2 ->4  2 ->5  2 ->6  2 ->7  2 ->15 2 ->22 2 ->23 2 ->24 2 ->25 3 ->26
[31] 3 ->27 3 ->7  3 ->8  4 ->28 5 ->25 6 ->1  6 ->2  7 ->2  7 ->3  7 ->8 
[41] 7 ->9  7 ->10 7 ->11 7 ->12 7 ->13 7 ->14 7 ->15 7 ->18 7 ->19 7 ->30
[51] 7 ->32 7 ->33 7 ->34 7 ->35 7 ->36 7 ->37 7 ->39 7 ->40 7 ->41 8 ->3 
[61] 8 ->7  8 ->43 8 ->37 9 ->32 10->29 11->18 14->29 15->2  15->7  15->16
[71] 15->42 15->17 15->44 15->38 18->7  18->33 18->34 18->19 18->20 18->21
+ ... omitted several edges
Understanding igraph Object Summary

When you print an igraph object, you see information in this format:

IGRAPH 2dff8c8 DN-- 44 133 --

Let’s break this down: - 2dff8c8: Unique identifier for the graph - D: Directed graph (would be U for undirected) - N: Named vertices - 44: Number of vertices (nodes) - 133: Number of edges (connections)

The attributes section shows:

+ attr: name (v/c), Alliance (v/c), Label (v/c), Relationship (e/c)
  • v/c: Vertex attributes of character type (can also have numeric data type)
  • e/c: Edge attributes of character type (can also have numeric data type)
  • name: Internal vertex names
  • Alliance, Label: Custom vertex attributes we added
  • Relationship: Custom edge attributes we added

The edges section:

+ edges from 2dff8c8 (graph ID):
[1] 1->2  1->3  1->4  ...
  • Shows connections using vertex IDs/names
  • Arrow -> indicates direction
  • Numbers in [] are edge indices

4.1.2 Step 2: Analyzing Network Metrics

So, how are we going to calculate the centrality metrics? Our situation seems more complex in this case as we have a directed network.

Network Centrality Parameters Guide

Degree Centrality

  • mode="in": Count incoming connections
  • mode="out": Count outgoing connections
  • mode="all": Count all connections (undirected)
  • mode="total": Sum of in + out connections

Betweenness Centrality

  • directed=TRUE: Path order matters (A→B→C ≠ C→B→A)
  • directed=FALSE: Path order ignored
  • weights: NULL for equal paths, or specify weights

Closeness Centrality

  • mode="out": How quickly node reaches others
  • mode="in": How quickly others reach node
  • mode="all": Connections in either direction
  • normalized=TRUE: Adjust for network size (recommended). A caveat that how to calculate closeness (e.g., regarding disconnected components) is still contested

Eigenvector Centrality

  • directed=TRUE: Influence flows one way. A→B means A influences B but not vice versa
  • directed=FALSE: Influence flows both ways. A→B means A and B influence each other
# Load required packages
p_load(tidyverse, igraph, ggraph, showtext, ggrepel, cowplot, jsonlite)

# Calculate centrality measures and pivot to long format
# Now calculate centrality measures
centrality_rankings <- tibble(
  Character = V(empresses_graph)$Label,
  Degree = degree(empresses_graph, mode="all"),  # counts both in and out
  Betweenness = betweenness(empresses_graph, directed=FALSE),
  Closeness = closeness(empresses_graph, mode="all", normalized=TRUE),
  Eigenvector = eigen_centrality(empresses_graph, directed=FALSE)$vector
    cols = -Character,
    names_to = "Metric",
    values_to = "Value"
  ) %>%
  group_by(Metric) %>%
  slice_max(order_by = Value, n = 5) %>%
    Metric = case_when(
      Metric == "Degree" ~ "Most Connected (Degree)",
      Metric == "Betweenness" ~ "Best Brokers (Betweenness)",
      Metric == "Closeness" ~ "Most Central (Closeness)",
      Metric == "Eigenvector" ~ "Most Influential (Eigenvector)"

# Display results
centrality_rankings %>%
  arrange(Metric, desc(Value)) %>%
  group_by(Metric) %>%
    caption = "Top 5 Characters by Different Centrality Measures",
    digits = 3
Top 5 Characters by Different Centrality Measures
Character Metric Value
雍正 Best Brokers (Betweenness) 387.817
甄嬛 Best Brokers (Betweenness) 358.539
宜修 Best Brokers (Betweenness) 141.290
年世兰 Best Brokers (Betweenness) 102.310
安陵容 Best Brokers (Betweenness) 83.750
雍正 Most Central (Closeness) 0.741
甄嬛 Most Central (Closeness) 0.672
宜修 Most Central (Closeness) 0.558
年世兰 Most Central (Closeness) 0.518
安陵容 Most Central (Closeness) 0.506
甄嬛 Most Connected (Degree) 38.000
雍正 Most Connected (Degree) 31.000
宜修 Most Connected (Degree) 19.000
允礼 Most Connected (Degree) 14.000
年世兰 Most Connected (Degree) 13.000
甄嬛 Most Influential (Eigenvector) 1.000
雍正 Most Influential (Eigenvector) 0.729
宜修 Most Influential (Eigenvector) 0.550
允礼 Most Influential (Eigenvector) 0.508
年世兰 Most Influential (Eigenvector) 0.393

4.1.3 Step 3: Visualizing the Network

Now let’s create a visual representation of these complex relationships. For node size, we will use degree centrality, i.e., the bigger the node, the more connections they have with others. We will also add information about alliances and the nature of relationships into the graph.

# Add Noto Sans CJK font
font_add_google("Noto Sans SC", "Noto Sans SC")

# Create a color palette for alliances
alliance_colors <- c(
  "皇室成员" = "#4E79A7",  # Royal Blue
  "皇后阵营" = "#F28E2B",  # Warm Orange
  "甄嬛阵营" = "#E15759",  # Soft Red
  "华妃阵营" = "#76B7B2"   # Teal

# Calculate node size based on total degree centrality 
V(empresses_graph)$size <- degree(empresses_graph, mode = "all")

# Plot the network
set.seed(123) # for reproducibility
plot <- ggraph(empresses_graph, layout = "auto") +
      aes(edge_color = Relationship),  # Color edges based on relationship type
      arrow = arrow(                   # Add arrowheads to show direction
          length = unit(0.2, "inches"),
          ends = "last",               # Arrow only at end of line
          type = "closed"              # Solid arrowhead
      show.legend = FALSE,             # Hide the relationship legend
      width = 1                        # Set edge thickness
  ) +
  geom_node_point(aes(color = Alliance, size = size), 
                  shape = 20, show.legend = FALSE) +
  geom_node_text(aes(label = Label), repel = TRUE, size = 6) +
  scale_color_manual(values = alliance_colors) +
  scale_edge_colour_discrete() +
  scale_size_continuous(range = c(5, 20)) + # Rescale the node size to be more visible
  theme_void() +
  labs(title = "Character Network in 'Empresses in the Palace'",
       subtitle = "Directed relationships between key figures in the Chinese drama") +
    plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size = 18, face = "bold"),
    plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size = 14),
  #  legend.text = element_text(size = 8),
  #  legend.title = element_text(size = 10, face = "bold")

# Plot

4.2 Case 2: Zachary’s Karate Club

Let’s put our network analysis skills to the test with a fascinating real-world dataset - Zachary’s Karate Club! This is a social network of friendships between 34 members of a karate club at a US university in the 1970s.

The Story Behind the Data

In 1977, Wayne Zachary studied the social network of a university karate club that was on the verge of splitting up. The club faced a conflict between the instructor (Mr. Hi) and the president (John A.). This led to the club dividing into two groups - some members sided with the instructor, others with the president. The network data captured the friendships before the split.

4.3 Step 1: Load and Examine the Network Data

# Load required packages
p_load(tidyverse, igraph, ggraph, igraphdata)

# Load the karate club network data
data("karate", package = "igraphdata")
karate_graph <- upgrade_graph(karate)

IGRAPH 4b458a1 UNW- 34 78 -- Zachary's karate club network
+ attr: name (g/c), Citation (g/c), Author (g/c), Faction (v/n), name
| (v/c), label (v/c), color (v/n), weight (e/n)
+ edges from 4b458a1 (vertex names):
 [1] Mr Hi  --Actor 2  Mr Hi  --Actor 3  Mr Hi  --Actor 4  Mr Hi  --Actor 5 
 [5] Mr Hi  --Actor 6  Mr Hi  --Actor 7  Mr Hi  --Actor 8  Mr Hi  --Actor 9 
 [9] Mr Hi  --Actor 11 Mr Hi  --Actor 12 Mr Hi  --Actor 13 Mr Hi  --Actor 14
[13] Mr Hi  --Actor 18 Mr Hi  --Actor 20 Mr Hi  --Actor 22 Mr Hi  --Actor 32
[17] Actor 2--Actor 3  Actor 2--Actor 4  Actor 2--Actor 8  Actor 2--Actor 14
[21] Actor 2--Actor 18 Actor 2--Actor 20 Actor 2--Actor 22 Actor 2--Actor 31
[25] Actor 3--Actor 4  Actor 3--Actor 8  Actor 3--Actor 9  Actor 3--Actor 10
+ ... omitted several edges
About the attributes in the karate dataset

The edge weights are the number of common activities the club members took part of. These activities were:

  1. Association in and between academic classes at the university.
  2. Membership in Mr. Hi’s private karate studio on the east side of the city where Mr. Hi taught nights as a part-time instructor.
  3. Membership in Mr. Hi’s private karate studio on the east side of the city, where many of his supporters worked out on weekends.
  4. Student teaching at the east-side karate studio referred to in (2). This is different from (2) in that student teachers interacted with each other, but were prohibited from interacting with their students.
  5. Interaction at the university rathskeller, located in the same basement as the karate club’s workout area.
  6. Interaction at a student-oriented bar located across the street from the university campus.
  7. Attendance at open karate tournaments held through the area at private karate studios.
  8. Attendance at intercollegiate karate tournaments held at local universities. Since both open and intercollegiate tournaments were held on Saturdays, attendance at both was impossible.

The ‘Faction’ vertex attribute gives the faction memberships of the actors. After the split of the club, club members chose their new clubs based on their factions, except actor no. 9, who was in John A.’s faction but chose Mr. Hi’s club.

Let’s view these custom attributes in more detail:

V(karate_graph)$Faction %>%
as_tibble() %>%
# A tibble: 2 × 2
  value     n
  <dbl> <int>
1     1    16
2     2    18
E(karate_graph)$weight %>%
as_tibble() %>%
# A tibble: 7 × 2
  value     n
  <dbl> <int>
1     1     6
2     2    24
3     3    27
4     4    12
5     5     7
6     6     1
7     7     1

Let’s visualize the network:

ggraph(karate_graph, layout = "fr") + # You can try different layout algorithms to see which one is more informative
  geom_edge_link(alpha = 0.5) +
  geom_node_point(size = 10, color = "skyblue") +
  geom_node_text(aes(label = name), repel = TRUE) +
  theme_graph() +
  labs(title = "Friendship Network in Zachary's Karate Club",
       subtitle = "Who is friends with whom?")

What do you notice?
  • Can you spot any clusters of friends?
  • Are there members who seem to know everyone?
  • Do you see any potential dividing lines in the network?

4.4 Step 2: Analyze Network Metrics

Let’s investigate who plays key roles in the club using our centrality measures.

# Calculate unweighted centrality measures
unweighted_analysis <- tibble(
  Member = V(karate_graph)$name,
  Faction = V(karate_graph)$Faction,
  Popular = degree(karate_graph),   
  Bridge = betweenness(karate_graph),
  Central = closeness(karate_graph, normalized = TRUE),
  Influential = eigen_centrality(karate_graph)$vector   

# Calculate weighted centrality measures
weighted_analysis <- tibble(
  Member = V(karate_graph)$name,
  Faction = V(karate_graph)$Faction,
  Popular = strength(karate_graph, weights = E(karate_graph)$weight),   
  Bridge = betweenness(karate_graph, weights = E(karate_graph)$weight),
  Central = closeness(karate_graph, weights = E(karate_graph)$weight, normalized = TRUE),
  Influential = eigen_centrality(karate_graph, weights = E(karate_graph)$weight)$vector   

# Combine and compare
comparison <- unweighted_analysis %>%
  rename_with(~ paste0("Unweighted_", .), -c(Member, Faction)) %>%
    weighted_analysis %>%
      rename_with(~ paste0("Weighted_", .), -c(Member, Faction)),
    by = c("Member", "Faction")

# Summarize average centrality of the two factions for both versions
comparison <- comparison %>%
  mutate(Faction = ifelse(Faction == 1, "Mr. H's Faction", "John A.'s Faction")) %>%
  group_by(Faction) %>%
    Avg_Unweighted_Friends = mean(Unweighted_Popular),
    Avg_Weighted_Friends = mean(Weighted_Popular),
    Avg_Unweighted_Bridge = mean(Unweighted_Bridge),
    Avg_Weighted_Bridge = mean(Weighted_Bridge),
    Avg_Unweighted_Central = mean(Unweighted_Central),
    Avg_Weighted_Central = mean(Weighted_Central),
    Avg_Unweighted_Influential = mean(Unweighted_Influential),
    Avg_Weighted_Influential = mean(Weighted_Influential),
    Members = n()

# A tibble: 2 × 10
  Faction      Avg_Unweighted_Friends Avg_Weighted_Friends Avg_Unweighted_Bridge
  <chr>                         <dbl>                <dbl>                 <dbl>
1 John A.'s F…                   4.44                 13.4                  21.8
2 Mr. H's Fac…                   4.75                 13.8                  31.1
# ℹ 6 more variables: Avg_Weighted_Bridge <dbl>, Avg_Unweighted_Central <dbl>,
#   Avg_Weighted_Central <dbl>, Avg_Unweighted_Influential <dbl>,
#   Avg_Weighted_Influential <dbl>, Members <int>
Understanding the Analysis
  1. Individual Roles
    • Friendship Count (Degree): Shows who knows the most people in the club
    • Bridge Score (Betweenness): Identifies members who connect different social circles
    • Centrality Score (Closeness): Measures how well-positioned someone is to spread information
  2. Faction Dynamics
    • Compare average metrics between Mr. Hi’s and John A.’s groups
    • Higher average friendship counts might indicate which group was more socially active
    • Bridge scores reveal which faction had more members connecting others (potentially across the faction)

4.5 Step 3: Visualize the Key Players

Now let’s create a more informative visualization that shows these roles:

ggraph(karate_graph, layout = "fr") +
    alpha = 0.3, 
    aes(width = weight)
  ) +
    aes(size = strength(karate_graph, weights = E(karate_graph)$weight),
        color = as_factor(Faction))
  ) +
  geom_node_text(aes(label = name), repel = TRUE) +
  scale_edge_width(range = c(0.2, 2)) + # Add edge width scale
  scale_size_continuous(range = c(5, 20)) +
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1") + 
  theme_graph() +
  theme(legend.position = "none") + 
  labs(title = "Key Players in the Karate Club",
       subtitle = "Node size = friendship/interaction strength, Color = faction membership")

Final Observations
  1. Look at nodes 1 (instructor) and 34 (administrator). How do their positions and connections differ?
  2. Can you identify members who might have been torn between both sides?
  3. What does this network tell us about how social groups can split?

5 Learning Check 🏁

1. What is a node in social network analysis?

2. Which of these is an example of an undirected relationship?

3. What does high degree centrality mean?

4. In a character network, what do edges typically represent?

5. What makes a network 'weighted'?

6 Conclusion

Key Takeaways

In this chapter, we’ve covered:

  • Understanding core concepts of social network analysis
  • Different types of networks (directed, undirected, weighted)
  • Key centrality measures and their interpretations
  • Implementing network analysis with R
  • Visualizing and analyzing character relationships in “Empresses in the Palace”

Network Structure

Centrality Analysis

Relationship Patterns

Visual Interpretation